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Friday, May 10, 2013

New and improved

This week I mostly just improved the superhero piece. I added the scene before with the "Meanwhile"and put a picture of the city of St. Pete. I also made it so the "Put a sock in it" text was not up the whole time, so it made more sense. I also had a little time to do a text tutorial, which I did not too fond of. Next week were are working on a worth1000 piece and I think that will be fun.

Friday, May 3, 2013


The gif that I just posted was what I had been working on this week. I could have made it more sophisticated if I had more time, but here is what I came up with. I think it is probably the best gif I have made. The next project we are working on is the poster for the same super hero. I had a couple of ideas, maybe some people are against him because they say that they have freedom of speech, so they would but up a poster telling people to dislike him.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Corn Maze

This week I finished my pun gif. I think that it turned out really well and I really like and it is my favorite gif I have made. We also started a super hero project where we make up our own super hero that represents something about us. I made the Silent Man, he shoots a sock out of his hand and it goes it people's mouths that are noisy or obnoxious. This represents me because Mr. Runge never notices me because I work pretty quietly.

Friday, April 19, 2013


This week I continued working on my gif. It is a very difficult project but I hope I finish it by monday. It takes a while because I have to make a couple different pictures and do animations in all of them. I made lettering at the bottom so the words that goes along with the gif so that will be difficult as well. I think it is the project that I worked the hardest on this year so I hope that it turns out well.

Friday, April 12, 2013


This week I finished my vector image. It was a pretty fun project and I think it is one of my best ones. I like it because of its simplicity and it was a really fun project to make. Now we are working on a new project where we use a pun to make a gif. I tried to complete the hardest corn labyrinth in the world, but I ended up stuck in the maize.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Finished Gif

This week I finished my gif project. I think that it turned out really well and I like it a lot. It was fun to add in the the extra images to make it look for funny. This week we started on a vexel project which is pretty fun. I will finish it next week so all of you people will be able to see it.