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Saturday, December 8, 2012


This week I finished my second surreal piece. I think it turned out really well and I enjoyed making it. I also Started making two things this week. One was a flower contest for worth100 and another was the drawing tutorial. I don't think the flower piece is that good, but I really only had a day and a half to make it. I am now currently working on the drawing.

Friday, November 30, 2012


This is my surreal piece that I did a couple weeks ago. I feel like this is a strong piece and I am working on another surreal piece at the moment. Both of them were tutorials that were on the website the bearded man gave us. I am having fun doing the surreal piece I am working on now because a couple of my friends are in it.

Thursday, November 8, 2012


This week I mostly worked on my tutorial. I decided to do the "Ice Ice" tutorial and change it to "Fire Fire." I think it is turning out really well and I really like the way it looks. I found a really cool flame brush that I used and I think it enhanced my art. I will finish this next week and hopefully begin something else.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Three Animal Combination

This week I combined three animals together. I combined a alligator, a shark, and rhino. I took the head of the rhino and the fins of the shark and put them on the body of the gator. It was pretty cool because the bearded man taught me how to use the stamp tool and the puppet warp tool which are both really useful tools. I really liked this project and I hope we do something else like this soon.

Friday, October 26, 2012


This week I worked on combining three animals into one. I decided to combine a alligator, a shark, and a rhino. It was really interesting because I learned how to use the stamp tool to make it look more realistic. I also finished my selection piece earlier this week.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Pen tool

This week we worked on using the pen tool to select various items such as two elephants and a fuzzy animal. The fuzzy animal was a little more difficult because you do other things in order to keep the fuzziness of the animal. Next week we will be working on selecting more difficult things like hair.

Thursday, October 11, 2012


These are my three tutorials that I have been working on for the last couple of weeks. I would have to say that the dancer was the hardest to do and the flesh piece was the easiest. They all taught me photoshop skills that I have never used before and different ways to do the same thing. My favorite one would have to be the dancer because it took the most work, but it also looks the best.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Turorial #1

This tutorial is what I worked on most of the week. It was really fun to do, and I learned how to mask objects. I masked the skin over the words of my name to make it look really cool. I also used the dodge tool to make the letters stick out more and the burn tool to make it look like the fork is going into the "K." Right now I am working on another tutorial and I will hopefully have it done soon.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Evil and Sad House

This week I finished my evil house and made my sad house. The sad house is a lot different from the evil house because I decided to take the suggestion of the bearded man by making the house look like its somewhere else. I made him on a hill getting rained on with a soggy sandwich, and that is why hes sad. I used the pen tool a lot to make the arms, legs, and the raindrops, which was a little hard to do.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Happy House

This week we were supposed to make a house look happy. To make it look happy, I turned the windows into eyes and made a smile with the pen tool. I cut the door and the two pillows out and put them in front of the house to make it look the the smile is on the wall of the house. I also added a rainbow gradient in the background and filled some of the walls with a purple texture. We were also supposed to make an evil house, which I am in the progress of making.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Pen Tool Tutorials

This week I watched a couple tutorials on how to use the pen tool. It is a complicated tool but i got the hang of it after a couple days. This picture is just me messing around with the pen tool and fallowing the tutorials. I was also taught by captain beard man how to make simple effects on the pictures to give them a more 3D look. He also taught me how to use the gradient tool, which I applied to my name and the background.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

First Creation

This is the first picture that I have made using the photoshop tutorials on youtube. The tutorials taught me how to use many tools including more sophisticated ones like the blur tool and the smudge tool. I used both of those tools and the quick selection tool to make this photo of a dog's head on a bird's body. I probably could have made it look better by making the head of the dog lighter so it went along with the bird better, but hopefully I will learn to do that in the future.

Thursday, August 23, 2012