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Friday, September 28, 2012

Turorial #1

This tutorial is what I worked on most of the week. It was really fun to do, and I learned how to mask objects. I masked the skin over the words of my name to make it look really cool. I also used the dodge tool to make the letters stick out more and the burn tool to make it look like the fork is going into the "K." Right now I am working on another tutorial and I will hopefully have it done soon.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Evil and Sad House

This week I finished my evil house and made my sad house. The sad house is a lot different from the evil house because I decided to take the suggestion of the bearded man by making the house look like its somewhere else. I made him on a hill getting rained on with a soggy sandwich, and that is why hes sad. I used the pen tool a lot to make the arms, legs, and the raindrops, which was a little hard to do.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Happy House

This week we were supposed to make a house look happy. To make it look happy, I turned the windows into eyes and made a smile with the pen tool. I cut the door and the two pillows out and put them in front of the house to make it look the the smile is on the wall of the house. I also added a rainbow gradient in the background and filled some of the walls with a purple texture. We were also supposed to make an evil house, which I am in the progress of making.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Pen Tool Tutorials

This week I watched a couple tutorials on how to use the pen tool. It is a complicated tool but i got the hang of it after a couple days. This picture is just me messing around with the pen tool and fallowing the tutorials. I was also taught by captain beard man how to make simple effects on the pictures to give them a more 3D look. He also taught me how to use the gradient tool, which I applied to my name and the background.