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Friday, November 30, 2012


This is my surreal piece that I did a couple weeks ago. I feel like this is a strong piece and I am working on another surreal piece at the moment. Both of them were tutorials that were on the website the bearded man gave us. I am having fun doing the surreal piece I am working on now because a couple of my friends are in it.

Thursday, November 8, 2012


This week I mostly worked on my tutorial. I decided to do the "Ice Ice" tutorial and change it to "Fire Fire." I think it is turning out really well and I really like the way it looks. I found a really cool flame brush that I used and I think it enhanced my art. I will finish this next week and hopefully begin something else.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Three Animal Combination

This week I combined three animals together. I combined a alligator, a shark, and rhino. I took the head of the rhino and the fins of the shark and put them on the body of the gator. It was pretty cool because the bearded man taught me how to use the stamp tool and the puppet warp tool which are both really useful tools. I really liked this project and I hope we do something else like this soon.