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Friday, May 10, 2013

New and improved

This week I mostly just improved the superhero piece. I added the scene before with the "Meanwhile"and put a picture of the city of St. Pete. I also made it so the "Put a sock in it" text was not up the whole time, so it made more sense. I also had a little time to do a text tutorial, which I did not too fond of. Next week were are working on a worth1000 piece and I think that will be fun.

Friday, May 3, 2013


The gif that I just posted was what I had been working on this week. I could have made it more sophisticated if I had more time, but here is what I came up with. I think it is probably the best gif I have made. The next project we are working on is the poster for the same super hero. I had a couple of ideas, maybe some people are against him because they say that they have freedom of speech, so they would but up a poster telling people to dislike him.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Corn Maze

This week I finished my pun gif. I think that it turned out really well and I really like and it is my favorite gif I have made. We also started a super hero project where we make up our own super hero that represents something about us. I made the Silent Man, he shoots a sock out of his hand and it goes it people's mouths that are noisy or obnoxious. This represents me because Mr. Runge never notices me because I work pretty quietly.

Friday, April 19, 2013


This week I continued working on my gif. It is a very difficult project but I hope I finish it by monday. It takes a while because I have to make a couple different pictures and do animations in all of them. I made lettering at the bottom so the words that goes along with the gif so that will be difficult as well. I think it is the project that I worked the hardest on this year so I hope that it turns out well.

Friday, April 12, 2013


This week I finished my vector image. It was a pretty fun project and I think it is one of my best ones. I like it because of its simplicity and it was a really fun project to make. Now we are working on a new project where we use a pun to make a gif. I tried to complete the hardest corn labyrinth in the world, but I ended up stuck in the maize.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Finished Gif

This week I finished my gif project. I think that it turned out really well and I like it a lot. It was fun to add in the the extra images to make it look for funny. This week we started on a vexel project which is pretty fun. I will finish it next week so all of you people will be able to see it.

Friday, March 29, 2013


This week we worked on making gifs that had something to do with a law or rule. I chose the rule that you could have iPads in class room and not iPhones. With help from the Rungenator, Sam, and Kobe, I took pictures for the gif. I am now currently editing all of the pictures and putting them all in order, and I will be finished next week.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Spring Luncheon

This week we worked on making an image for the spring luncheon. We were supposed to but a sunflower on it in honor of Ms.Weinman. I made two images and the one putting the sunflower on the ocean ended up being the best. It was pretty difficult to make it look like it was actually floating, but I managed to make it look pretty good. I used foam from the wave and put it around the flower as you can see.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Text tuts

This week we worked on text tutorials. We are supposed to make logos for our business that we made and mine is Thompson Soccer Shop. I also need some extra credit so I decided to enter in a couple of Worth1000 contests. I am not sure of the results, but I will find out soon.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

This week I worked more on the weird word project. As I might have said before, I did it on my iPad. It was rather difficult figuring out how to use photoshop on the iPad, but I got the hang of it toward the end. I thought that it turned our pretty well, and I will probably make another one like that in the future.

Friday, February 8, 2013

The week we started working on a new project. We all pulled out a word from a hat and my word is hebetude. It means boring or dull. We have to make a poster out of that word and I will most likely be doing this on my ipad. I also finally finished my two pictures piece.

Friday, February 1, 2013

This week I worked on finishing my project. Unfortunately I did not finish because I did not have class time today because of a GSI meeting, but I am just about finished. I put these african kids playing soccer in a professional soccer game and I think it turned out really well. I made them look like a drawing and put them on a piece of paper, and I am holding the paper.

Friday, January 25, 2013

This week we started on a project that you have to put something in an image to completely change it. What I am doing is putting African kids playing soccer on a real soccer field. Now we are changing the color of an image to make it have a different emotion

Monday, January 7, 2013

Self Portrait

This year we are starting a project doing a self portrait of ourselves. It is supposed to reflect the literal meaning of our name. "Jack" means gracious to God. "Cordes" means cord or string maker. "Thompson" means twin. I was think about making an image where two men (probably me) are hanging from a string that wraps around one of God's fingers. I will be working on this next week.